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Writer's pictureL.V

4 Trucks Down...It Could Be Worse

December 7, 2023

11:38 am

It's December y'all and it's definitely been a week! ALL of the trucks were down. I know what you're probably thinking, "How the h**l did that happen?". Coincidently, the thru shaft broke on one of the trucks, the radiator is leaking on another, injectors, and a truck axle- All within 2 weeks of each other. Pre/post trips caught most of the mechanical break downs, so thank goodness we didn't have to add any tow bills. Everyday, I'm checking in and we're harassing mechanics and auto part stores. Not only are we not making money, but we have clients who need their freight moved. I have been wanting to go into a closet and scream. Thank God, as of today, one truck is back up and running.

But as I type this, I'm sitting in the oncology office with my aunt who is receiving treatment. As I am watching the patients come in out out of the office, both young and old, sitting for hours, needles being placed in their chest to receive I.V's for treatment, ice packs to reduce pain and numbing, fragile finger nails, loss of hair, I can't help but think, "L.V, it could be worse." I'm worried about my trucks being on the road to make income and these people are fighting for their lives. And the kicker is, they're all in good spirits.

So, I write this to say, whatever state that your business is in, whatever you may think to complain about today, know that someone out there is fighting a battle that is worse than yours. Stay positive, pivot when you need to, conduct research, educate yourself and Keep Trucking!


December 7, 2023

1:21 pm

Another truck is road ready! 😁

Signing Off,

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